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Word Whizzle Answers and Cheats

Word Whizzle answers and cheats for every level and pack of Apprope’s smash hit game. This puzzler combines Boggle and seamless mobile play. You can download Word Whizzle for free on iOS and Android devices. We have answers to all the 100+ levels of WordWhizzle.

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Word Whizzle is the next big thing in word games. Forget Scrabble and your paper’s crossword puzzle. Word Whizzle is going to test your vocabulary and dictionary trivia like never before. The goal of Word Whizzle is simple. Simply guess the word or words associated with your theme. Unfortunately, these levels are super challenging.

word whizzle answers

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There are two modes in Word Whizzle. There’s the normal mode and the daily puzzle. Word Whizzle’s daily puzzle offers up a different puzzle each and every day. Think of it much like the daily crossword in your newspaper. Word Whizzle’s main form of gameplay sees players try and test their brain power through an assortment of puzzle packs. In order to get to the next pack of levels, you must first beat the one before it.

To get started, each level will show you a theme. It’s up to you to correctly guess the word that goes along with your them. To answer, you’ll need to tap your fingertip to the first letter and drag it across the others on the board to spell it out. Below the board, you’ll see an empty letter bank that shows you just how many letters are in your word. Keep in mind that some levels have more than one answer.

The levels range from a variety of topics, so you’re really going to need a diverse mind to get every answer. For example, some themes range from “Things That Come in the Mail” to “Mexican Food Favorites.” Anything and everything is in play here. Word Whizzle also supplies you with a limited amount of hints to help you guess a word. Although, once you run out you will need to purchase more hints. Therefore, when you’re stuck, be sure to check out complete guide of Word Whizzle answers.

Do you have what it takes to become the master of all word games? Remember, it’s much tougher than it appears. On top of being incredible at spelling, you’ll need to also be extremely well versed in all areas of trivia. But fear not! For those times when you’re not at your best, we’ll get you through all the levels with our complete set of Word Whizzle answers and cheats.

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